Dear Family and Friends,
I've just come home from Children's hospital for a minute to eat and shower after having spent the last 24+ hours there. Our baby Joao's heart repair surgery was considered a success by the cardiac surgeons and team. While it is very difficult to see his tender body attached to every machine imaginable and experience strong periodic pain, they tell us that he is recovering beautifully. When I left him with his sweet father at his side, he was still in critical but stable condition. We are told that Joao will slowly be removed from each machine/medicine and that he's made it through the scariest part.
I want to thank so many of you whose positive words and thoughts helped envelope Joao in a warm blanket of love. Based on how well he is doing, I truly believe that those intentions are propelling him forward. Please keep praying.
I'm sorry if I could not respond to your individual emails (some from friends I hadn't connected with in so long) filled with so many stories that show me that we are not alone in suffering and triumphing in our human condition. Your experiences and wisdom are reverberating still.
One of the nurses reminded me that today is the first day of spring and as I look out into the garden and think of my battered little boy in the hospital bed, I am hopeful of all that it may bring.
love, light and blessing,
P.s. I apologize in advance if I cannot get back to you immediately.
p.s.s. I will however keep you posted as the days progress.