A - abi!- as in to open or abrir
B - Biba - as in Pipa which is Papi flipped
C - toton - as in corazon
Ch - chaves - as in Cesar Chaves
D - dume - as in give me or da me
E - petetante - as in elefante
F- ores - as in flores
G - tatito - as in gatito which is also "mo"
H - oya - as in hola or hello
I - uno - she reads all I's as the number one
J - yadin - as in garden or jardin
K - talo - as in "frita talo" or frida kahlo
L - yeon - as in leon or graaar!
LL - llaves - she's got the "ye" sound down
M - Mima - as in Mami, now only said under distress
N - niz - as in nariz or "nena nose"
O - opeta - as in opera que "tanta andres poteti" canta Andrea Bocelli, ooooaaaa!
P - Potato - as in Potato the legendary percussionist
Q - tatatilla - as in quesadilla filled with "tetito" as in quesito!
R - jyojyo - as in rojo, red
S - tatos-nanan- as in Santos-Salazar, she can't begin, only can finish with "ssss"
T - topeta - as in trumpet or trompeta followed by a big pucker
U - uno - if read, as in I, if spoken, as in the beginning of counting
V - vites- as in vistes or did you see?
W - wawa - el "o-o-u" or doble u is easy to say as in camion or bus
X - etis - as in exis or x
Y - Yeya - as in maternal abuelita con "bozo" rebozo y "sole" pozole
Z - papapos - as in zapatos
1 comment:
Your hijita is just beautiful. I love your blog!
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